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Paul Fitzgerald & Elizabeth Gould

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, published by City Lights (2009), Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, published by City Lights (2011). Their novel The Voice, was published in 2001. Their memoir, The Valediction Three Nights of Desmond  (2021) and The Valediction Resurrection (2022) was published by TrineDay.  For more information visit invisiblehistory , grailwerk and valediction.net Read Paul and Elizabeth's Full Complete Bio >>

From Jerusalem Crusade to The Holy Grail to the Death of JFK

VT's Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould dig deep connecting the modern world with our epic past

MANIFESTO: The World Peace and Economic Justice Proposal 

VT's Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould issue their solution to create a true and just world peace

We’re all CIA Assets! Is There Any Escape?

VT's Paul Fitzgerald and Liz Gould explore MK-ULTRA and the CIA

Turning on Russia: Been Done Before But Will This Time Be The Last?

Part 1:  It’s been done to Russia before but this time will be the last

Turning on Russia: RussoPhobia and NeoCons

The post-WWII strategy of the neocons has been shaped chiefly by Russo-phobia against the Soviet Union and now Russia

Learn How the CIA Created a Fake Western Reality for ‘Unconventional Warfare’

Part 3 of The Universal Empire: A Four-Part Series from VT's Fitzgerald and Gould

How Neocons Continue to Push for War by Cooking the Books

Part 2 of The Universal Empire: A Four-Part Series from VT's Fitzgerald & Gould

Bhadshah Khan’s Afghan World Peace Movement

VT's Fitzgerald and Gould report on Badshah Khan, the man who started Afghanistan’s indigenous non-violent movement

How the Mysticism of Newgrange pulled us into its vortex

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould explore the mystical vortex of Newgrange

Afghanistan: Between Three Worlds

Investigative Journalists Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould explore Afghanistan caught in between the Russians, Americans and their own peoples.