Turning on Russia: Been Done Before But Will This Time Be The Last?

Part 1:  It’s been done to Russia before but this time will be the last


Part 1  –  Part II

Boris Yeltsin gets the last laugh when he picked Vladimir Putin to become president. Putin taking the Presidential Oath, 7 May 2000. By Presidential Press and Information Office [CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Part 1:  It’s been done to Russia before but this time will be the last

By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Originally published in 2018

“Stanley Fischer, the 73–year-old vice chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, is familiar with the decline of the world’s rich.  He spent his childhood and youth in the British protectorate of Rhodesia… before going to London in the early 1960s for his university studies. There, he experienced first-hand the unraveling of the British Empire…

Now an American citizen, Fischer is currently witnessing another major power taking its leave of the world stage… the United States is losing its status as a global hegemonic power, he said recently… The U.S. political system could take the world in a very dangerous direction…”

A Shrinking Giant, Spiegel Online, 9/11/2017

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the creation of the so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine in 1992 during the administration of George Herbert Walker Bush, the United States claimed the mantle of the world’s first and only Unipower as well as its intention to crush any nation or system that would oppose it in the future.

The New World Order foreseen just a few short years ago becomes more disorderly by the day, made worse by varying degrees of incompetence and greed emanating from Berlin, London, Paris, and Washington. As a further sign of the ongoing seismic shocks rocking America’s claim to leadership, by the time Stanley Fischer’s interview appeared in the online version of the conservative German magazine Der Spiegel, he had already announced his resignation as vice chair of the Federal Reserve; eight months ahead of schedule.

If anyone knows about the decline and fall of empires it is the “globalist” and former Bank of Israel president, Stanley Fischer. Not only did he experience the unraveling of the British Empire as a young student in London, he actually assisted in the wholesale dismantling of the Soviet Empire during the 1990s.

As an admitted product of the British Empire and point man for its long-term imperial aims, that makes Stanley Fischer was not just the empire’s Angel of Death, but its rag-and-bone man.

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