UKRAINE WAR ANALYSIS: UN Expert on Self-Determination, Referenda and Rights of Minorities

Alfred de Zayas, appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council speaks out on Ukraine


by Arnaud Develay, International Attorney at Law, Paris, Île-de-France

In the wake of the controversies and heated debate generated in the wake of the referenda held last September in the regions of the Donbass, it became necessary to get some clarity on the legal issues surrounding this event.

A graduate of Harvard Law School, Dr. Alfred de Zayas served as the first UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council (2012-18). He worked with the United Nations from 1981 to 2003 as a senior lawyer with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as Secretary of the UN Human Rights Committee, and as the Chief of Petitions. 

What is your analysis of the predicament facing Russian-speaking minorities living in the Donbass regions in the wake of the events of the Maidan? Could the actions of the Ukrainian government these past eight years be constitutive of an attempt to commit genocide on these populations?

Alfred de Zayas: The Russian population in Donbass certainly had reason to feel threatened in the light of the virulence of the anti-Russian rhetoric by the leaders of the Maidan coup and the anti-Russian legislation adopted by the putsch Parliament.

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